1 John 5


1 Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ; the Word of eternal life which has come from the heart of the Father and was made immortal flesh in the resurrection, is born of God and has loved God: and everyone that loves the Father who fathered the Son, also loves the Son who is fathered of Him; for just as they are One flesh, so may we also, be one with Him.

2 By this union do we know that we love the children of God, for when we love God, we keep His commandment and are kept by Him in His eternal life.

3 For in this is the love of God revealed; eternal life, so that we keep and are kept by abiding in His commandment: and His commandment is not grievous, because it is not a life that we need to bring forth in our own strength but the life wherein we allow Him to serve us with His life that is without end.

4 For whatsoever is born from the Word of eternal life that God has spoken in Christ, overcomes the death and corruption in the world: and this testimony, is the strength and the victory over the death in the world, the faith of the Son of God that is in our heart.

5 Who is the one that overcomes the death in the world, but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

6 This is He that came in the flesh, born of a virgin, born of the Spirit, the Lord from heaven, being baptized by water into our death and by the faith contained in the shedding of His blood, The Son of God, Jesus Christ; who has not just come by water but has thoroughly washed away our death in His blood. And the Holy Spirit who descended upon Him when a voice came from heaven bearing witness saying, “You are My beloved Son in You I am well pleased”; who’s testimony is true because the Spirit is the Spirit of truth.

7 For there are three that bear record in heaven that He is the Son of God, the Father, the Word of God, and the Holy Ghost: and their record is faithful and true and these three are one.

8 And there are three that bear witness to us in the earth, the Spirit, that we are also the sons of God, and the water, that we are buried in the baptism of His death and so shall we be raised up with Him, and the blood, that death has been conquered in His flesh: and these three agree in one.

9 If we receive testimony from men surely the testimony of God is greater: and the witness that God has testified about us is found in His Son.

10 He that believes on the Son of God has seen himself in the testimony that God gave in the Son. He that believes not in the testimony given in the Son has made God out to be a liar; because he has not believed the witness that God has sent to testify of him.

11 And this is the testimony that God has given about us in the Son, Eternal life, the same life He promised from the beginning and is in immortal flesh in the Son at His right hand.

12 He that has the testimony of the Son, has the Son and the same life that is in the Son, and he that does not receive that witness in himself has no life, for there is no other life.

13 These things I have written to you who believe on the name of the Son of God; in the life and inheritance that God has promised and given you in the Son so that you can be certain that you have eternal life, the same life in the Son, that you might know that you have been surnamed by God His son: believing in the name of the Son of God.

14 And as His sons, this is the confidence that we have in Him, that all He has in Himself is ours and so if we ask, He hears us:

15 And knowing that He hears us and has given us everything that our hearts have ever desired, we can be certain that whatever we ask we have received the thing that we truly desire of Him.

16 If a man sees any of his brothers overtaken in a fault which does not lead to them perishing in death, he can ask, and God will restore unto life them that are taken in a fault not unto death. There is a way in the heart of a man that denies and rejects God’s life for his own way, that is the iniquity that perishes in death and I do not say that you can pray for it.

17 All the evil works that death has brought and stung the heart of man with, that would cause them to perish in their own destruction and iniquity are unjust. And there are works not of faith that do not perish in death.

18 We know that whoever is born from the Word of eternal life made immortal flesh, no longer labors to establish his own corruptible life but his flesh goes to rest in God’s life and immortality, and the peace of God keeps him abiding in that word so that the corruption in the world touches him not.

19 And we know that we are the sons of God, fathered by Him and know that all that is in the entire world is that which serves men with the corruption and death brought by the wicked one.

20 And we know that the Son of God has come and given us all the treasures of wisdom and understanding to discern what is born from life and of death, so that we may know Him in truth, that we may abide in Him in the truth, even in His Son. This is the true God and eternal life so that we may have fellowship with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

21 Little children, keep yourself abiding in the love of God that is revealed in the Word of eternal life, where you find life and peace, no longer under the bondage of death and the fear of death and it will keep your heart from looking to that which the world can give you. Amen.


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