1 Peter 2


1 Having therefore put aside (the life where you formerly were disposed to) all labor and trouble, and all deceit, and hypocrisies, and jealousies, backbiting and all sorts of slanderous speaking,


2 As newborn babes (earnestly) desire pure milk (which is the reasoning and logic of God contained in the faith of Jesus Christ), so that you may grow (in wisdom and knowledge, and) in union with Him thereby:


3 If indeed you have truly tasted that the Lord is (good) gracious (and full of lovingkindness toward you).


4 To whom coming, (the Lord), (as) a living stone, (was) rejected of men, but chosen of God and precious,


5 You also, as lively stones (alive from the dead), are built up (upon Him) a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, offering yourself (a living sacrifice) with spiritual sacrifices (where the life you live in this world, you live by the faith of the Son of God and not your own), (which sacrifice is) acceptable to God through (the faith revealed in) Jesus Christ.


6 Therefore it is contained in scripture, (thus says the Lord God) behold I lay (a stone) in Zion (for a foundation) a chief cornerstone, chosen, precious: and he that believes upon Him will not ever be put to shame.


7 To you therefore who believe (being fully persuaded of His lovingkindness toward you to give you His life) He is precious: but to those who refuse to be persuaded, the stone which those who want to build (their own house on their own foundation) rejected, this same (stone) has become the head of the corner,


8 And a stone that causes them to stumble at the truth and a rock which has become a snare to them who strike against (and resist) the word (which God has spoken in Christ), refusing to be persuaded (of His lovingkindness to give them His life as a gift): to which also those (who are disobedient, refusing to be persuaded but) continue in the way which has been judged beforehand as (the way wherein they can only) store up for themselves destruction (being set against the way that leads to life).


9 But you (who are fully persuaded, believing that as His sons you) are the favored offspring of God, a royal priesthood (of kingly rank), a holy nation (set apart for Him to show you kindness for all the ages to come), a peculiar people (that are uniquely His own); so that you would declare the goodness and lovingkindness of Him who has surnamed you His sons (and led you) out of darkness (and death) into His marvelous light (and life);


10 Which in time past were not a people but now (has He gathered you unto Himself) the people of God: which (in times past) had not received His mercy and grace (for their affliction), but now have received mercy and grace (in Christ, being delivered from the affliction of death).


11 My well beloved, I implore you as strangers in a strange land, that you keep yourselves (abiding in His life, so that you might refrain from) the lust for life in the world through the strength in your flesh (and thereby disarm that) which wars against (and subverts) the soul;


12 Having the manner of your life honorable among the (unbelieving) Gentiles: so whereas they might (have opportunity to) speak against you as a trouble maker, instead, they witness your honest way of life, so that by seeing it God might be glorified in (their hearts) in the day of (their own) encounter with Him.


13 Submit yourselves to (obey) every (established institution or) ordinance of men who have authority over you for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the ruler, as superior (in matters of keeping order);


14 Or to governors, treating them (with respect for their authority) as if they were sent by Him for the correction of those who act maliciously toward others, and for the praise of them that do well.


15 Because it is the will of God, that by doing that which is good you might (glorify God) silencing the accusations of foolish men, (not in your own strength but),


16 As (one who is) free (and in bondage to no man), and not using your freedom as an excuse to act venomously, but as one who (finds the strength for their life in) willingly allowing themselves to be served by God.


17 Honor all men (as equal). Love (preferring the lives of) the brotherhood of men (especially those who you fellowship with in the faith). Stand in awe of God. Honor your rulers.


18 As servants to those in authority be subject to them, giving all reverence; not only to the good and kind ones but also to the fraudulent and unjust.


19 Because in this is (the) grace (of God) that influences a man’s heart, that if he be more conscious of the (incorruptible) life of God (which he possesses), which life cannot ever be hurt or injured by the (death and) injustices in the world, (he would patiently endure) even when he suffers grief and (is treated) unjustly.


20 Because what glory is there (in the life), (where) if, when you are harshly treated for your faults, you take it patiently? but (rather, know) that if, when you do good and suffer for it, you take it patiently, this is the life that God (desires to freely serve you with).


21 And even unto this (incorruptible) life (that we see in Christ) are you called: because Christ also suffered (death and injustice) for us, (authoring) for us the faith (which He had toward the Father), so that you (being persuaded by the certainty of the same) would be led in His footsteps:


22 (Christ) who did absolutely nothing (in His own strength) to preserve His life, neither was there any deceit found in His mouth:


23 (Christ) who, when He was railed against, did not rail back in return; when He unjustly suffered (abuse and) threats, He (abused and) threatened no one; but (being fully persuaded that the Father was the good Shepherd and Bishop of His life) He entrusted the care for Himself (giving His life over to the hands of) Him who (promised to preserve His life eternally and) judges justly, (and who has now put His justice for all men on full display in raising Christ from the dead in a glorified human body and seating Him at His right hand forever):


24 (Christ) who (offered) Himself up for us (for the conquering of) our death (to release us from the bondage of) death by bearing it in His own body on the tree, so that we would see that being dead to death, (we die no more) but that (resting in the Father) we should live (as He lives in immortal flesh and bone) forever (in the same life and immortality): by whose stripes you were healed (from the sting of death).


25 Because you were as sheep going astray (laboring in vain to preserve your own life); but now you have been (rescued from death) brought back to the (good) Shepherd and Bishop of your life (where you can find rest and peace in His life and pasture forever).


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