
Galatians 2


1 Then fourteen years later I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas and took Titus with me as well.


2 And I went up (because of and) according to the revelation (which I had received from Christ Jesus Himself) and set before them (all) the gospel which I preached among the Gentiles, but privately (I went and spoke) to them who were of reputation (Peter, James, and John), (and they did hear and bore witness in their own hearts the truth of the gospel I preached and) not that I should be running (in a different way) or had run in vain.


3 But not even Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled (feeling any obligation) to be circumcised (in his flesh to be justified unto life):


4 And that (issue only came into question) because of false brethren (outside of the faith of Jesus Christ) who secretly brought in (strange doctrine), who came in stealthily to spy out our freedom which we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into (the doctrine of) bondage (again):


5 To whom we did not give in to for even a moment so that the truth of the gospel might continue (to remain and abide) with you.


6 And regarding those who were esteemed to be (established Apostles) with respected opinions, whatever sort they were made no difference to me: For God does not judge a person by outward appearances (and the opinions of men): neither did any of those (apostles) of reputation lay any new requirement upon me:


7 But on the contrary, when they saw that the gospel to the Gentiles had been entrusted to me (from the Lord Jesus), just as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter;


8 Because (they saw that) the One that worked in Peter to accomplish the apostleship to the circumcision, is the same (One) which was (working) mighty in me toward the Gentiles:


9 And when James, Cephas, and John, who were considered to be the pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me (from the Lord Jesus), they extended to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; (agreeing) that we should (continue to) go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcision.


10 They only asked that we remember the poor; that which I was also eager to do.


11 However when Peteruj came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was to be condemned.


12 Because before certain men arrived with James, he ate with the Gentiles: but once they had come, he withdrew and separated himself from them, fearing (the opinion) of them which were of the circumcision (who think it unlawful to eat with Gentiles).


13 And the other Jews that were with him also acted hypocritically so that even Barnabas was being led astray by their hypocrisy.


14 But when I saw that they did not conduct themselves straight forward according to the truth of the gospel (that declared that God has cleansed all flesh from death and has also freely granted the Gentiles justification unto life), I said to Peter before all of them, if you, being a Jew, live after the manner of Gentiles (who had not the law), (no longer seeking to be justified unto life by performing the deeds of the law) and not as do the Jews (who are careful to observe all the deeds of the law), why do you (now) compel the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?


15 We who (believe in Christ) are (inwardly) Jews by (partaking of His divine) nature and are not of those (who are outwardly Jews but are) not freely partaking of His life (but are missing the mark) like the heathen,


16 Knowing that a man is not justified (unto immortality in his flesh) by (performing) the deeds of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we (Jews according to the flesh) have believed in Jesus Christ, so that we might be justified (from all death’s accusations) by the faith of Christ, and not by (observing) the deeds of the law: for by (performing) the deeds of the law will no man be justified (to the immortality of God in their flesh).


17 But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves are also found to not be freely partaking (of His life but laboring in our own strength to be justified by performing the deeds and requirements of the law), does that therefore make Christ the minister of (the) death (that this serves us with)? Certainly not.


18 For if I (who once saw in the faith of Jesus Christ that I cannot be justified unto His life and immortality through my flesh) build up again (esteeming) the things which I (previously saw) destroyed (in Christ), I make myself a transgressor (of the teaching and instruction of God unto the life in Christ Jesus).

19 Because I (being fully persuaded) by the law (of the Spirit of life that came out of the grave in the Christ Jesus free from death) am (now) dead to (death, whereby my carnal mind once held me in the bondage of performing) the (deeds of) law (in my flesh, so that I might be justified unto His life, which death was truly the very thing that worked in my members to bring forth the fruit of death), but (now I am dead to death) so that I might (rest in and freely) live unto God.

20 I am crucified with Christ (to the corruptible life I can serve myself in the world and the world is crucified to me): nevertheless (being dead to death), I live (being alive to the life of God); yet not I (in my own strength), but Christ (who is the wisdom and the power of God) lives in me (as my sufficiency to be justified unto His life and immortality in my flesh): and (so that) the life which I now live inside this corruptible body, I live (being fully persuaded) by the faith of the Son of God (by which faith He cried Abba Father), (and) who has demonstrated His great love toward me, giving Himself up for me (so that He also might raise me up unto His same life and immortality).


21 I do not make void (by setting aside) the grace of God (revealed in Christ Jesus, to appear in His likeness by His strength alone and not my own): for if the life (and bodily immortality) of God could come through (performing the deeds of) the law, then Christ died in vain.


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