Galatians 6


1 Brethren, (even) should a man be overcome in some fault (which ensnares him in an error), you who (are led by and) walk after the Spirit, (are able to) restore such a man with the fruit of gentleness (which the Spirit gives); considering yourself (and the weakness of your own flesh), so that you will not also be tempted (to glory in the flesh but in the Spirit).


2 Remove the weight (that death brings to the heart) from each other’s burdens (by declaring how Christ Jesus has conquered our death in the flesh) and in doing so (you will) fulfill the teaching and instruction of Christ (unto life).


3 Because if a man thinks that within himself (that is, in his own heart) that he can (produce) something (good in his corruptible flesh), when he has no good thing in his flesh (that can produce anything but death), he deceives himself.


4 But let each man discern, (what serves with life and what serves with death) in his own heart (by Christ Jesus), and then will his glorying be (in Christ) within his heart alone and not in another (man’s persuasion).


5 Because every man will bear the weight of his own burden (whether he is trusting in the flesh unto corruption or of the Spirit unto eternal life).


6 Moreover, let the one who is being taught in the word (of eternal life) share (in the same fellowship along) with him that teaches in all good things.


7 Do not be deceived; You cannot mock (or ignore the word and judgment of) God (in Christ): for whatever (word) is planted (and has taken root) in a man’s (heart), from that (word he is trusting upon) will he also reap (its fruit).


8 For he that trusts in (the strength of) his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he that trusts upon the Spirit will of the Spirit reap life everlasting (even unto immortality in his flesh).


9 And let us (who trust upon the Spirit) not exhaust ourselves in working (the) good (which we can bring forth): because at the opportune time we (by the Spirit) will reap (the good fruit of His life), if we (rest in Him and) not faint (in our own exhaustion).


10 So then, as we (by the Spirit) have opportunity, let us be workers of the good (which the Spirit brings forth) toward all (men), especially to those who (along with you) are devoted to the faith (of Jesus Christ).


11 Notice how (that with) large letters I, (Paul) have written to you by my own hand.


12 As many as desire to make a good show (by glorying in their outward appearance) in their flesh, they compel you (also) to be circumcised, so that they might not suffer persecution (from their circumcised brethren) for (the offense that comes from) the cross of Christ (to those who boast in their flesh).


13 Because not even those who are circumcised keep (the deeds of) the law; but they (only) desire to have you circumcised, so that in your flesh they may glory (in that you have submitted to their way, lording over you in it).


14 But as for me, may it never be that I should glory, (boasting) in anything other than in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world.


15 Because in (the death and resurrection of) Christ Jesus (we see that) neither being circumcised nor uncircumcised is anything (that could ever serve us with immortality in our dying flesh) but only a new creature (that is forever free of death and corruption).


16 And as many as walk with this (faith revealed in the Lord Jesus) as their guide, will have peace (and rest in their flesh) and (the Father's) mercy (to remove their suffering at the hands of death resting upon them), and upon (all who place their trust in Him) the (true) Israel of God.


17 From now on, let no man bother me (regarding the mark of circumcision): Because I carry in my body the marks (which I received for the testimony) of the Lord Jesus.


18 Brethren, the grace (and peace) of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.


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