1 Peter 4


1 Therefore seeing as Christ has suffered for us (being put to death) in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: because he who has suffered (being put to death) in the flesh (dies no more and being dead to death) has ceased from enlisting his members to preserve his own life;


2 So that he would no longer live the rest of his days in the flesh (in bondage) to (bring forth) the desires of men (for life, through the strength contained in his flesh, which only served him with death), but rather by the faith of the Son of God (which serves with life everlasting).


3 Because we have already spent enough days (in the flesh) where we carried out the same way of life as the Gentiles (as if we also were alienated from the promises, having no hope and without God) when we walked in sensuality, lust, drunkenness, debauchery, carousing and the unjust worship of false gods (and every other thing that could never serve us with life).


4 And those (who do such things are confused by and) think it strange that you do not take part (with them) in the same excessive debauchery, which is why they speak against you:


5 Who (themselves) will judge (the word in their own heart whether it be) against Him who has already judged (which word brings life to both) the living and the dead.


6 For to this end was the gospel proclaimed (through the Spirit of Christ) even to (those who were) dead (and suffering under the reign of death), so that they might be judged (in the same manner) as (us) men in the flesh (who have been preached the gospel through Holy Ghost sent down from heaven), that all (who live) might live according to (the Spirit of) God in their heart.


7 But the end of all things (that are not eternal) has drawn near to you, (your salvation is closer now than when you first believed): let therefore Christ regulate your thoughts and your mind as you watch and pray.


8 And above all things (that you might) have constant union with (His) passionate love among yourselves (and one for another): because (His) love (abiding in you) will cover a great number of offenses.


9 (For abiding in His love you will find) generosity (born in you) toward guests and strangers, (showing kindness) one for another (without obligation) or complaining.


10 Just like every man (who) has (freely) received the gift (of eternal life) even so (be you) ministers of the same life one to another, as good stewards of the many unique and precious intricacies of the grace of God (given each one of us in Christ Jesus).


11 If any man (desires) to speak (the truth revealed in Christ), let him speak as (one declaring) the very words and utterances (that come) from God; if any man (be a) minister (of Christ), let him do it (in humility, seeing that it is through the gifts and) the ability which God has given him (and not his own ability that men will experience God’s life in the midst of tribulation): so that God in all (these) things might be exalted (as the One who brings forth the fruit of His life in us) through Jesus Christ, whose name (being spoken well of and) glorified (in men’s heart, will they be persuaded to call upon Him in the day of affliction)  seeing that He has dominion (over the death and corruption in the world) forever and ever. Amen.


12 Beloved, do not be (shocked or) surprised concerning the fiery ordeal which will come to try you (seeing as we live in a world presently filled with death and corruption), as if some unique thing is happening to (only) you:


13 But joy (comes in being fully persuaded that) just as you have shared in the sufferings of Christ (under the injustice of death in the world) that you may also rejoice with exceedingly great joy (in knowing the certainty of sharing in the same glory that was) revealed in Him.


14 If you are mocked (and persecuted) for (believing on) the name of Christ (as your own inheritance), you are happy because (you know that) the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you (with the power of an indestructible life): on the part of (those who mock) is He (devalued and) spoken maliciously of, but in your heart is He (precious), esteemed and glorified.


15 But let none of you (who name the name of Christ) suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or as a malcontent, or as one who meddles in other men’s affairs.


16 However if (any man suffers injustice) as a follower of Christ, let him not be ashamed (for Christ also suffered injustice); but let him (like Christ) glorify God (as the One who judges justly in preserving his life eternally) in the same inheritance of Christ.


17 Because now is the time when the judgment (that was from the beginning) has begun in us (who rest in God for the same life and justice revealed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ); (to shine as a light in the darkness) in us who are the house of God: and since (the judgment that allows us to rest in God to bring forth His life free from our works) has first appeared in us, what will be the end of those who refuse to be persuaded to rest (in God to freely give them His life, that was revealed) in the gospel of God (seeing as they reject that judgment unto life)?


18 And if (we think) that the righteous are (also) saved through great struggle (from the suffering in the world in their own strength), where would the ungodly and those laboring to preserve their own lives (ever find the strength to overcome the death and corruption in the world), so that they might also appear (in the light of His life)?


19 Therefore let them that suffer (persecution and injustice, suffer as Christ did) according to the will of God (seeing that He did not lift one finger to preserve His own life but rested in the certainty of the Father's promise to protect and preserve His life) and (being fully persuaded by Him will) do well in committing the keeping of their lives to Him as unto a faithful Creator.


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