1 Peter 5
1 Therefore, do I exhort the elders among you, being an elder myself as well as an eyewitness of the sufferings (and the resurrection) of Christ, and a sharer in the glory that will be revealed:
2 Shepherd the flock of God that is among you (with this word of eternal life), looking diligently to their care, not by obligation, but of your own accord, and not for dishonest or personal gain but eagerly from your passion (for the Lord and the love of God for all people) that is in you.
3 Neither as one who exercises power and control over others (who are co-sharers with you in God’s inheritance) but as examples who walk alongside them.
4 And when the chief Shepherd, (our Lord Jesus) is revealed (from heaven), you (all) will receive a victory crown of glory that will never fade away.
5 Likewise, you younger (ministers of Christ), submit yourselves to the elder. Yes, (so that) all of you would be subject one to another (as members of one body) and be clothed with humility (which brings glory to God): because God (in His great love for us) has set Himself against the (way of) the proud (to exalt themselves unto life by their own strength and perish in death) and gives (His) grace (and strength to freely experience His life) to the humble (who are persuaded that the sufficiency and strength for their life is only found resting in and allowing Him to freely serve them with it).
6 Humble yourselves therefore (to be served by) the mighty (and loving) hand of God (resting in His strength alone as the sufficiency for you to experience His life), so that He might (be the one to) exalt you (at every fitting opportunity) and in due time:
7 Casting all the care (and responsibility for your life) upon Him; for He cares for you (like no other can, to preserve your life in Him now and forever).
8 Be of a sound mind and watchful, for your adversary comes to accuse your heart (with thoughts that originate from) the devil (whose wisdom has been planted in the world) and as a roaring lion (which makes a lot of noise) is always looking for an opportunity to swallow up, (overwhelming) whoever will allow it:
9 Whose accusation (you) withstand (by resting) in the faith (of Jesus Christ, who already stood in the face of it for you), knowing that the same suffering and afflictions that (were in Him) and in your brothers are in the world.
10 But the God of all grace (and mercy), who has called us to His eternal glory (which He purposed and promised from the beginning) and has now through Christ Jesus, (fulfilled the promise and given us this sure hope) that after you have suffered a short while (in the world), (He will) make you perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you (in His life and immortality forever).
11 To Him be all glory and dominion forever and ever (throughout all the ages, world without end). Amen.
12 I am sending this short letter by Sil-va’nus, who I hear is a faithful brother to you, where I have written briefly, exhorting, and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein you stand.
13 The church that is at Bab’y-lon, and all the fellow sharers (of His life) together with you, salutes you; as does Mar’cus my son (in the faith).
14 Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen.
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