1 Timothy 2
1 I urge you therefore, that first of all, petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving are made on behalf of all men.
2 For kings and all those that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life giving all reverence and (glory, and) honor (to God as Father, the One who serves us His life).
3 Because this is good, (and beautiful) and acceptable (and a praiseworthy thing) in the sight of God our Savior (and deliverer);
4 (The Father of all) Who desires for all men to be saved (from perishing in death) and come to the knowledge of the truth.
5 Seeing as there is one God (and Father who is
able to serve us with an incorruptible life), and one mediator between
God and men (who came from the heart of the Father, born of a woman, born
of the Spirit), the man Christ Jesus;
6 Who in the fullness of time, gave Himself a ransom for all (men), and became the testimony of (the Father about) all (men).
7 It is in regard to that (testimony that) I was appointed a preacher, an apostle (to all men), (I speak the truth in Christ and do not lie;) a teacher of the Gentiles pertaining to the faith (of Jesus Christ) and (the grace of God in) truth.
8 I desire therefore that all men pray everywhere (calling upon the name of the Lord), lifting up holy hands (in reverential awe of the One who can preserve their lives forever from death and corruption) apart from (the fear of) wrath and doubt (an inner reasoning that they could preserve their own lives).
9 And (I also desire) that in the same way a women would adorn themselves with modest apparel, so also (would I that they be decorated) with self-control and soundness of mind, and not with (pride from outward appearances like) braided hair, or gold, pearls or costly clothing;
10 But (from a heart filled with) the way that is fitting for a woman professing the (promise of His) life and Godlikeness (standing in silence and) with (reverential awe of His) good works (to adorn them with all the fruit of His life).
11 So let the woman learn (of Him) in (humility and) silence, (peace and reverential awe) with all obedience (and submission to the faith).
12 However, do not permit a woman (that has not yet submitted themselves to the faith of Jesus Christ) to teach (or exert control or influence over) any man but to (let her first) learn in (humility and) silence (at the feet of Jesus).
13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve (because the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man).
14 And Adam was not deceived (by the serpent), but the woman having already been deceived (exerted her influence over Adam to partake and they) fell into the transgression.
15 Nevertheless they are saved through the woman bearing (the promised seed that crushed the serpents head) if they abide in the faith of Christ and (His) love unto the same life and immortality they were always set apart for with (peace and) soundness of mind.
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