1 Timothy 4


1 But the Spirit speaks expressly (without any ambiguity), that in the latter times some (who having been misled) will depart from the faith (of Jesus Christ and Him crucified), giving heed (instead) to (deceptive and) seducing spirits, and (ear tickling teachings and) doctrines that come from demons (having a form of godliness but denying the true Godliness which is the only thing that ever had the power to destroy death in the flesh unto immortality),


2 Speaking (the same) lies (as the serpent, they appear clean on the outside but inside are filled) with hypocrisy (and the deadly poison of asps which is iniquity); having their (heart and) conscience (marked by the beast as if) seared with a hot (branding) iron,


3 Forbidding to marry (as if doing so could make one unclean, when in fact God gave marriage as a token sign of His desire to be One flesh with us) and commanding others to abstain from meats (of flesh that they have deemed as unclean), which (flesh) God has created to be received with thanksgiving by them which believe and know the truth.


4 For every creature of God is good (and acceptable), and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with thanksgiving:


5 Because it has been sanctified (as clean and undefiled) by the word which God has spoken (in Christ) and (by His) intercession (in our hearts).


6 If you remind the brethren of these things, you will be a good minister of (the faith of) Jesus Christ, nourished up (and persuaded) by the word of faith and from the good sound doctrine (it imparts), which (teaching) you know (and understand well having kept it close to your heart).


7 But refuse (to have anything to do with) profane (teachings of the principles of the world like touch not, taste not, handle not) and old wives’ tales (that cross over the threshold of sound doctrine), but rather exercise yourself unto (true) Godliness (which is the work which God has done to serve you with His life and Godlikeness in your flesh).


8 For bodily exercise profits for a short time (and then fades away): but Godliness is profitable unto all things (pertaining to His incorruptible life and Godlikeness), containing the promise of the (Spirit of) life that has come and now is, and of that which is to come (in our flesh being made immortal in the new heaven and new earth).


9 This is a trustworthy saying that is filled (with the faith that came from the Father’s heart in Jesus Christ and is) full of all (His) approval.


10 For this reason therefore do we both (diligently) labor (contending for the faith) and suffer reproach (from preaching the truth of the gospel), because we have set our hope (only) in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe (and find strength and rest from the hope and the promise of eternal life made immortal flesh).


11 These things declare and teach.


12 Let no man despise (or deem you unqualified because of) your youthful age; but be an example for all the believers, in your teaching (and in the reasoning of your speech), in the manner of your life, by (abiding in the) love (of God for all people), in (declaring) the faith, in purity (and without mixed motives).


13 Until I come, attend the public readings (of the scripture) to encourage and to teaching (concerning the truth).


14 Do not neglect (or disregard) the gift that is in you (but continue to kindle the flames) of that which was delivered to you (by the Holy Spirit) by prophecy, with the laying on of my hands (in the presence of the elders of the church).


15 (Be diligent to think, consider and) meditate upon these things; give yourself fully to them; so that your advancement (of the gospel) would appear before all (men).


16 Give close attention to yourself (first) and (then) to the doctrine (that you teach others, so that you be in the faith), and continue in it: for in doing this you will both rescue yourself, as well as those that hear you (from the death and corruption in the world unto a lively hope).


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