1 Timothy 5
1 Do not (strike back at or) speak with harsh words to an elder, but encourage (exhort and comfort, treating) him as you would your own father and the younger men as brothers,
2 And the elder women (treat) as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity (of heart).
3 Honor widows that are truly widows.
4 But if any widow has children, grandchildren, or family at home allow them first to learn to honor them (giving reverence to whom reverence is due), by returning the same (love and) care for their parents (that their parents gave to them): for that is good and acceptable to God (fitting of the faith that is in the Father’s heart).
5 Now she who is truly a widow is bereaved and alone, whose hope is in God, and she continues in requests and prayers night and day.
6 But (not) she who (is married to the world and) lives in (self-indulgence and worldly) pleasure (which actually only looks like life in its outward appearance but inside she) is dead even while she lives (seeing as the world has no life to offer).
7 And declare these truths (confidently) so that all may be without blame.
8 But if anyone (in the church gives no thought and) has no regard (in their heart) for (the welfare of) his own family, especially for those of his own house (that which even the heathens need not be commanded), he has rejected (and is not persuaded of) the faith (that is in the Father’s heart for him) and (the persuasion in his heart) is worse than an unbeliever.
9 Let none be listed as widows, that are under sixty years of age; but rather have been the wife of one man,
10 Well testified of for her good works; if she has brought up children, if she has lodged strangers, if she has washed the saints' feet, if she has given relief to the afflicted, if she has (not refused but) diligently followed every good (and beautiful) work (when given the opportunity to do so).
11 But the younger widows decline: because whenever they grow desirous for sensual pleasures (in the world) they wander away from Christ, and will marry,
12 Holding a judgment of themselves (in their hearts) because they have set aside their first (love and) confidence in Christ.
13 And whereby (casting away their dependence on Christ) they learn to be lazy (and unprofitable) wandering from house to house; and not only lazy but gossipers (and taking part in foolish babbling) also meddling in the affairs of others, speaking things which they ought not to speak.
14 I would rather therefore that a younger woman marries and bears children, keeps watch over her household, where (in doing so) they give no occasion for the adversary to speak against them (and bring condemnation to their heart).
15 For some are already turned (wandering from Christ) back to Satan (the accuser).
16 If any (man or) woman (who are of the household) of faith have a widow (that is a close relative), let them help (and care for) them and do not burden the church with it, so that it may (focus on and) provide relief for them that are truly widows.
17 Let the elders that serves excellently (over the church) be deemed fitting of double honor, particularly those who (also) labor in the word and the doctrine (of Christ crucified).
18 Because the scripture says, you should not muzzle an ox that is treading out grain. And (so also) the (elder) laborer is considered worthy of his reward (of double honor).
19 Do not accept an accusation against an elder, except if (it can be established) upon two or three witnesses.
20 But those that have committed offenses correct openly (with the truth) so that others also may (see your faith and) revere (God).
21 I testify to you in the sight of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect messenger, (charging) that you oversee these things without preferring one man over another, doing nothing by partiality (or respect of persons).
22 Do not lay hands quickly on any man (that rejects correction), (whereby you) neither share in (fellowship with or contribute to) other men's iniquity: keep yourself pure.
23 Drink no longer (only) water (being totally abstinent) but use a little wine for your stomach's sake and your frequent infirmities (so others may see that is not what defiles a man).
24 The fruit of death can often be plainly seen in some men’s errors (which are) foretelling the judgment (of what that iniquity will produce); and some men’s (are hid for a time but of a certainty the end of those things) will be revealed later.
25 Likewise also the good works of some are plainly seen beforehand (displaying the fruit which the Spirit will produce); and they that are not (at first) seen openly cannot be hid (but of a certainty will produce the fruit of righteousness unto immortality in the flesh).
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