1 Timothy 6


1 Let all that are under a yoke of a servant esteem their own (earthly) masters (or those who rule over you) worthy of all honor so that the name of God and His doctrine be not (defamed or) spoken evil of.


2 And those (servants) that have believing masters, let them not look down upon (despising them), because they are also brethren; but rather serve them (well), because they are believing and beloved partakers (along with you) that have grabbed hold of the (same) benefit (in Christ as you). These things teach and exhort.


3 If any man teaches another (contrary) doctrine that does not agree with the pure words (of sound doctrine), even (rejecting) the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the faith which is (the doctrine that brings forth all the fruit of His life in us) unto Godlikeness (in our flesh);


4 He is puffed up (and full of pride), knowing nothing, but having an unhealthy affection for (foolish) questions and (unprofitable) disputes over words, from out of which comes envy, contention, and every evil, malicious (laborious and pain-ridden thought and) imagination,


5 And perverse disputing from men with (carnal) minds (proceeding from hearts) corrupted (by death), and destitute of the truth, supposing that to gain (a good life by gathering the corruptible things of this world to themselves) is Godliness: from such (nonsensical teaching and disputing) withdraw yourself.


6 But (rather rest in the One who has promised to serve you with all things pertaining to His life and) Godlikeness (in your flesh immortal) which (hope is the thing that) brings true contentment (to your heart and) is great gain.


7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is a certainty that we can carry nothing out of it (for all the things we could gather, which this world can produce, are perishable).  


8 And (being persuaded by the faith of Jesus Christ that is unto Godlikeness in our flesh immortal and which clothes us in the fruit of His life) this (faith) allows us (to rest in our hearts and minds and therein) having food and clothing to be content (fully satisfied by His life and the sure hope of the same glory to be revealed in us).


9 But they that desire to be rich fall into a temptation which is a snare (to run after the corruptible things of this world), and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which (never satisfy but) plunge men into ruin and destruction.


10 For the love of money is the root of all evil (that serves a man with labors, annoyances, hardships and every grievous unjust work): wherein some that longed after have erred (and been seduced and overtaken and have thereby strayed away) from the faith (of Jesus Christ), and they have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


11 But you, O man (born) of God, run from these things; and pursue the life and immortality the Father serves you with in Christ Jesus which is unto Godlikeness (in your flesh), (and the fruit the Spirit bears;) faith, love, patience, meekness.


12 Fight the good fight (running the race set before you by never turning away) from the faith, laying hold on eternal life, (the life) unto which He has also called you (from the beginning), and which you have confessed the good confession (of the faith) before many witnesses.


13 I give you this charge in the sight of God, who (quickens the dead and) gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus, the One that testified before Pontius Pilate the good confession (that He was indeed Christ, the King);


14 So that (abiding in Him) you keep (and are kept by) the commandment, spotless, (pure and undefiled from death’s accusation), blameless, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:


15 Who in the fullness of time when He will return, will reveal (Himself), (the One) Who is the blessed and only true (Potentate) Ruler, the King of kings, and Lord of lords (who lives and reigns in the power of an endless life and of whose kingdom there is no end);


16 The One Who alone possesses (the power and dominion to serve men with) immortality, dwelling in the light (and life, the full expression and glory of the Godhead bodily, which glory is) unapproachable (through the strength of a man’s hands); whom no man has seen, nor can see (but by the revelation of Jesus Christ): to whom be all honor and power everlasting. Amen.


17 Instruct those that are rich in this present world, (charging them) that they should not be prideful (and look down upon others of lower estate) nor place their hope in the uncertainty of riches, but in the (certainty of the) living God (to serve them with His life and immortality), the One who supplies us (the only life our hearts have ever truly desired) abundantly (where we find contentment that we lack no good thing, and being free from lust, we can simply enjoy) everything (created) for our enjoyment;


18 So that (in looking to the abundance of His life and the certainty they lack no good thing) it would work that which is good (in their hearts), and wherein they will be rich in (the abundance of His supply and) good works, and (thereby filled with) the generosity to distribute, and the willingness to share;


19 Laying up (in abundance and storing away) for themselves (treasures that unlike those in the present world cannot ever see corruption, having) a good foundation (in their heart) so that in the time to come, they may lay hold on that which is truly (His incorruptible) life.


20 O Timothy, (above all things guard your heart and be established in and) keep (on hearing the faith) that which is committed to your trust, (discerning and) avoiding profane and worthless babbling, and arguments which are falsely called (wisdom, special) knowledge (or sound doctrine):


21 Which some professing (their trust in these strange doctrines) have erred concerning the faith (of Jesus Christ). Grace be with you. Amen. 


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