2 Peter 2


1 However, there were false prophets also among the people (in those days), just as there will be false teachers among you (today), who will deceitfully bring in destructive and erroneous doctrines (outside of Christ, the word made immortal flesh and filled with their own private interpretations), denying indeed the Lord that bought them, and (who) bring on themselves swift destruction.


2 And many will follow after their (deceitful and) destructive ways, through whom the way of the truth will be maligned (and spoken disparagingly).


3 And through their greedy desire for gain (and unbridled lust for life through the strength contained in their flesh) will they with carefully crafted words (that suit their own vain imaginations) make merchandise of you (for their own personal gain): who even now (bring) judgment (upon themselves, seeing they have set themselves against the judgment of God unto life), and (having a heart contrary to that judgment, their own hearts are actively) condemning them to destruction.


4 Because if (the judgment of) God (against death and its corrupt wisdom) did not spare the angels that left their original design (to be messengers of the way that leads men to destruction), but cast them out from heaven, delivering them into the pits of darkness, to be kept unto (the day of) judgment;


5 And spared not the old world (filled with labor and anguish) but saved Noah and eight other persons (from it), (Noah being) a preacher of the everlasting kindness of God toward men to preserve their lives, (saving them by) bringing in the flood upon the world (that was serving men with death) and (where) those who considered themselves unworthy, (rejected) God’s judgment to preserve their lives, perished (in the flood).


6 And (similarly by) turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, has He judged and purposed to destroy all that which brings suffering and is against men’s lives, setting (this as) an example to those that should afterward disregard the (incorruptible) life that God (freely) gives in exchange for the (corruptible) life (they can give themselves) that perishes in death;


7 But (He) delivered Lot who was just (in revering and trusting God to preserve his life), (despite being continually) distressed by and exposed to their unrestrained lust for life through their (sensually), being animated by every desire contained in their flesh (to do many things which are vile and) wicked, (He rescued and preserved his life):


8 Because (even being a) just man (who trusted and revered God) was he tormented in his mind and emotions, being among them, seeing and hearing from day to day the deeds of those who transgress God’s way unto life (for their own way);


9 The Lord knows (the heart of) those who place their trust in Him, to deliver them (from) out of affliction (and death), and (is longsuffering) to reserve (His judgment against the way that perishes in death) in those who refuse to be persuaded, until the day of judgment (seeing as they store up for themselves the same end):


10 Especially (the way of the serpent) in those who walk in their own lust (for life through the strength contain in their flesh), who defile themselves and despise authority. They are blatantly self-willed and are not afraid (but quick) to speak slanderously against those (who God has deemed as valuable and) are worthy of His good opinion.


11 Whereas (even the) angels, who are (presently) greater in strength and power (than them), dare not to bring a harsh accusation against them before the Lord.


12 But these (men), have been (marked by the beast) and are like wild beasts (who lack any rational thought) but are made for capture and destruction, who speak insultingly of things that they do not even understand; and will utterly perish in their own corruption (and destruction which they have stored up for themselves);


13 And (they) will receive the reward (which the) injustice (of exchanging the incorruptible life which God freely gives for the corruptible life they can give themselves pays with), as they currently think it satisfying (to their flesh) to openly live in excess and from every sensual desire, they are (like) spots and blemishes (on a pure garment) who take delight in their own deception, even while they eat together with you;


14 Having eyes (filled) full of (spiritual) adultery (which is idolatry, where they are always looking to anything but God to serve them with a good life in the world), and (because they can never find satisfaction or rest in anything but God) they cannot ever cease from lusting after the corruptible life they can serve themselves with through their flesh; enticing the souls of those who are not yet established (in Christ): with a heart (filled with what they can gather to themselves) have they exercised it in lustful ways; (whereby they make themselves like) children who are still under the curse of death (seeing as they continue in that cursed life):


15 Which have forsaken the right way (unto life) and have gone out of the way (that brings life, peace and rest), following after the way of Ba’laam the son of Bo’sor (and his greedy desire for gain), who loved the wages of that cursed life (that perishes more than the gift of God’s incorruptible life);


16 But (who) was rebuked for the iniquity in his heart (which was a heart persuasion that disregarded God’s blessing and life as a gift): and who was spoken to by a donkey in a man’s voice (correcting and) forbidding the insanity of the prophet.


17 These (men) are (like empty) wells without water, (and unstable) clouds that are tossed by the wind (without rest); to whom (heap to themselves destruction and) the certainty of the blackness of darkness forever


18 For when they speak their arrogant (but) worthless words (void of any power to quicken one to life), they entice (other men’s) desire for life through the strength contained in their flesh, (appealing to) their excessive sensual desires, and these men who having previously (seen there was freedom in Christ), fled from, escaping (the corruption in the world) and those who were living in (this) error (that leads to destruction).


19 While they promise them freedom, they themselves are (still) slaves to (the) corruption (and death in the world): because whatever a man is overcome by, the same is he brought in bondage.


20 Because if after they have escaped the corruption in the world (that caused them to labor for life through the strength contained in their flesh) through the knowledge that the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (has conquered their death in the flesh in the resurrection), their hearts become entangled again, laboring to be free from the death in the world through the strength of their flesh (and not Christ) and are thereby overcome, the latter end is worse than the beginning (seeing there is no other name by which there is salvation to overcome death).


21 For it would have been better for them to be ignorant of the way to inherit God’s life, than to have known the goodness of God to give them blessing and life as a gift and turn (away) from that holy commandment (He) delivered to them (in Jesus Christ).


22 But the thing that happens to them is according to the truth contained in the proverb which says, the dog is turned again to his own vomit (having tasted of the goodness of God to give them His incorruptible life as a gift they return again to eat of the corruptible life they can serve themselves with); and (like) the sow that (after she) was washed went wallowing (again) in the mud.


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