2 Peter 3


1 Beloved, this is the second letter that I have written to you and in both I have endeavored to stir up your pure minds by putting you in remembrance (of the holy commandment, eternal life, that is contained in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ):


2 So that you would be mindful of that (when you read) the words which were spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and (now) by us who are the apostles (and messengers) of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:


3 Knowing this first, that in the last days (of death in the earth) there will come scoffers, who scoff (being willingly ignorant of God’s desire) and walking according to their own lust,


4 And saying, where is the promise of His coming? For since the time the fathers have fallen asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.


5 For in (saying) this they have determined to ignore (the truth) that the heavens which did existed long ago by the word of God, and the earth that stood out from the water and divided from the waters (did by the same word of God):


6 Whereby we also know that the world that was at that time, perished, being overflowed with water:


7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word (of God) are kept (along with the works which men have treasured up), reserved for fire (to be tried as to what sort they are) against (the testimony which God gave in His Son that has already been proven by fire) for the day of judgment and (the day of) the destruction of men who having rejected God’s life will perish (seeing they exchange the testimony of His life for their own).


8 However beloved, do not be ignorant of this one thing, that one day with the Lord is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day.


9 The Lord is not (neglectful or) slow concerning His promise (to come in the fire of His life and to destroy and remove every remnant of death from the earth), as some men count slowness; but (in His) long-suffering toward us (has He appointed a day and time), (because) He is not willing (and finds no pleasure) that anyone should perish (in the death that laboring to preserve their lives in their own strength will serve them with), but that all men would be persuaded of the life (they see in Christ Jesus) which He has promised to serve them with, (relying upon His strength and ability alone to protect and preserve their lives eternally).


10 But (of a certainty) the day of the Lord will come like a thief (who sneaks) in the night (at an hour you think not); in the which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements (of this world) will melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the (corruptible) works that are (contained) therein will be burned up (when He comes to baptize in the fire of His life).


11 Seeing as all these (corruptible) things will be dissolved (and completely done away with), what quality (and testimony) of life should you partake (to be as you ought to be) in the (incorruptible) life and Godlikeness, you were set apart for,


12 Where you with hopeful expectation earnestly desire the coming of the day of God, in which the fire (of His life) from heaven will be released and all the (corruptible) elements (in the world) will melt with fervent heat?


13 Nevertheless, we (who are born of the Spirit), according to His promise (of eternal life), look for new heavens and a new earth, (where there is no longer any remnant of corruption and death and) wherein only the life and immortality of God dwells.


14 Therefore, beloved, seeing as you look (desiring) for such things, be diligent (with the faith) so that you may be found of Him in peace (resting in His promise of life), (bearing the testimony that God gave of you in the Son which is) without spot, and blameless.


15 And consider that the patience (and long-suffering) of our Lord is (the goodness of God that leads men to repentance unto) salvation (from death and destruction); just as our beloved brother Paul has (also explained) and written to you about, according to the wisdom given to him (by the Lord Jesus);


16 Just as he also has done in all his letters, speaking about these things (concerning the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ from the law and the prophets); in which some things are difficult to understand (outside of the faith and the wisdom of our Lord Jesus), which they that are ignorant and unestablished distort, as they do with all the scriptures to their own destruction.


17 You therefore, beloved, knowing these things beforehand, take heed (to be diligent with the faith, to hear and keep on hearing) lest you are also and are led away with the (same) error of those who are filled with labors and annoyances, and from your heart’s reliance upon Him.


18 But (as you hear and keep on hearing how God has conquered your death and freely given you the same life you behold in Jesus Christ, will you) grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be all glory, both now (in this present world) and forever. Amen.

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