Colossians 2
1 For I would like you to know how great a fight (of passion) I have for you and for those who are in La-od-i-ce'a and even for all those who have never seen my face in person.
2 That their hearts may be comforted (and encouraged), having been braided together in (His) love, and into all the riches (of His glory) from the certainty (and confidence) that comes from understanding unto the knowledge of the mystery of God that is (revealed) in Christ;
3 In whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (which can be found) are hidden.
4 And I say this so that no man may deceive you with persuasive (but misleading) words.
5 Because even though I am absent in the flesh, I am with you in the spirit, and I rejoice in seeing the way you order your lives and how you have the solid foundation of your faith in Christ.
6 In the same way therefore that you have received Christ Jesus the Lord (by hearing the faith), walk, the same way (by continually hearing the faith) of Him:
7 Being planted firmly and built up (in the faith of) Him and being established (and strengthened) in the faith just as you were taught (of Him), (with that which makes your cup) overflow with thanksgiving.
8 Take heed (to hear and keep on hearing the faith) so that no man is able to take you captive through philosophy (and the love of their own wisdom) and (with) empty (worthless) deceitful words, (which are) according to the traditions of men, and founded upon the basic principles contained in the world (being subject to its ordinances of touch not, taste not, handle not) and not according to (the faith contained in) Jesus Christ.
9 Because in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead in (an immortal flesh and bone) body.
10 And you are complete in Him (lacking nothing you need for His life and Godlikeness), who is the head of all rule and authority:
11 In whom also you are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in cutting off the body of death in the flesh by the circumcision of Christ (in condemning death in the flesh):
12 Buried with Him in (the) baptism (of His death), wherein you also are risen with Him (to new life) through the faith of the righteous act of God, the One who has raised Him from the dead.
13 And while you were yet dead in the offenses (that came through the death that entered into the world and reigned over you, causing you to deviate from the truth, laboring in vain to preserve your own life) in your uncircumcised (dying) flesh, He has quickened you together (to new life) with Him, having sent away from you (the death that reigned over you and which was the cause of) all offenses;
14 Blotting out (the debt of offenses that were created, contained in) the handwritten ordinances (which death used to accuse our hearts by the law of commandments and in the basic principles of the world) that were against us, which were contrary (to the way unto life and) to us (having the incorruptible life He designed us for), and He took them out of the way in destroying death (abolishing it in His flesh), nailing it to the cross (like the proclamation of a debt that’s been settled);
15 And having (done so He) disarmed all rulers and authorities (stripping them of the weapon they used to deceive), putting it on open display, showing (that the end of) their way only leads to death, (and how that He) triumphed over death (in the victory) of the cross (being raised immortal).
16 Therefore let no man judge you by (the) meat (you eat or avoid), or by (the) drink (you drink or avoid), or in regard to (setting apart certain) days as holy, such as the (day of a) new moon, or about the sabbath days (but only by Christ):
17 (Because) all these things (were given as) a foreshadow (pointing to) things to come; but the substance (of them) is Christ.
18 Let no man deprive (or disqualify) you from your reward (which is freely given in Christ), (from one) coming (to you) with false humility and giving (more) reverence to angels (than is due), and going into details regarding things which he has never seen, having an inflated (view of himself) without cause through (the knowledge of good and evil) in his carnal mind,
19 And not beholding (and grabbing hold of) the Head (who is Christ), from where all the (members of the) body (which is the church) with its joints and ligaments are supplied (and receive) the food (and nourishment) that ministers (His life), and knits (them) together (in His love) and increases with increased (fruit) which comes from God.
20 Therefore if you are dead with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why (would you live) as though your life is still found in the world, being subject to its ordinances of,
21 {Touch not; taste not; handle not;
22 Which all are to (decay and) perish with use;} according to the (carnal) commandments and doctrines of men?
23 Which things do have the appearance of wisdom in the worship of your own willpower (which is self-worship that cannot ever bring forth the life and the fruit of God), in false humility, and with harsh treatment of the body: not having any value (in its ability) to (ever truly) satisfy the flesh (with the certainty of immortality).
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