Colossians 3


1 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek (meditate and reason on) those things which are above, (in heaven) where Christ sits (in a glorified human body) on the right hand of God.


2 Set your mind (and affection) on (the incorruptible) things (in heaven) above, not on (the corruptible) things on the earth.


3 Because you are dead (to the corruptible life in the world), and your life is hidden (incorruptible) with Christ in God (undefiled and where it never fades away).


4 Therefore when Christ is revealed (from heaven) with the life (and inheritance) which He has reserved for you, then will you also appear (in history) with Him (the sons of God) in (the same life and) glory (in immortality).


5 Consider therefore the (corruptible) members (contained in your flesh) which are upon the earth, already dead (in the death you died with Christ, along with the fruit of death which they can sting you with); fornication (being intimate with the works of your hands), uncleanness (touching death), consumed by excessive (and tormenting) passions, an unrestrained lust (for the life you can gather to yourself), and covetousness, (always greedily desiring for more and never quenching that feeling you lack), which things are idolatry (that set up the works of your hands as your god unto your own destruction):


6 For this reason has God sworn in His wrath to destroy death (taking vengeance upon) those things which come upon the children who refuse to be persuaded (that He conquered their death and has given them His life so that they might cease from those things which only lead to destruction):


7 In those things which you also walked at one time (in the way that leads to destruction), when you lived (as the old man, being dead and laboring for life in vain according to the strength contained) in your dying flesh.


8 But now (as the new man who is dead to death) lay aside (and no longer consider the death in your flesh which formerly worked in your members to produce) anger, (outbursts of) rage, hatred, slanderous lies (against God), speaking (with filthy communication) the lies that dwell in your heart out of your mouth.


9 (But now knowing the truth) do not (speak) lies to one another seeing as you have laid aside (and considered) the old man (dead) along with his deeds (which were animated by the death that reigned over him);


10 And now you have considered yourself (made alive in Him and) clothed upon by the new man (who can never die), which (through the knowledge of Christ) has renewed (man back) to the image of Him that created him (to be a partaker of His life and immortality):


11 Where there is no (distinction between) Greek or Jew, circumcision, or uncircumcision, (uncivilized) Bar-ba’ri-an, savage, slave or free: but (only) Christ (who) is (for) all, and in all.


12 Be clothed upon therefore (with His life) knowing that God has always purposed and desired it for you (from the beginning) setting you apart (for that life) and (even when you were dead) loving you in the bowels of His tender mercies (to serve you with all the fruit of His life) kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;


13 (Whereby you can come alongside) having patience with one another’s (faults) and forgiving one another, (so that) if any man has a conflict with another: just as Christ has sent away (and divorced you from death), (seeing them in Christ separated from death) you also would send away (not crediting) their offense (to their account).


14 And above all things be clothed upon with His life (allowing Him to serve you) with His love, (which love) is the very thing that braids us together with Him in perfection.


15 And allow the peace (and rest) that comes from God (and from abiding in His life) to rule in our hearts (presiding over our lives), unto the life and peace which He has also called you and united us in one body and (where you may be ever) filled with gratefulness (and thanksgiving).


16 Allow (therefore) the word (that God has spoken in) Christ to abide in you abundantly (where you are fully supplied with) all wisdom; teaching and encouraging (yourself and) one another with psalms and hymns and songs that impart the spirit of faith, singing to the Lord (with gratitude) about the blessing and life (He has influenced upon) your hearts (through Jesus Christ).


17 And (so that) in whatever things (you may be occupied) whether it is in word or in doings, that they all may (be persuaded by Him) giving all glory to (and exalting) the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and to the Father (who brings forth His life in us) through Him.


18 Wives, submit yourselves (as one flesh in union) to your own husbands, just as you are (one body) in (union with) the Lord.


19 Husbands, love your wives (just as Christ loves us, seeing we are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh), and (where in seeing you are one flesh) you are not harsh (impatient or bitter) toward them.


20 Children, obey (listening diligently) to your parents in all things: for this (same diligence) is well pleasing to (those who as little children harken to) the Lord (and His instruction unto life).


21 Fathers, do not provoke your children (to anger), (but let your correction nurture them with the life and the hope that is in Christ) so that you do not discourage them.


22 Servants, (listen carefully to) follow (the instructions of) your masters in all things according to the flesh; not just with (the obedience) that can be seen with the eye, which only pleases men; but with the singleness (and sincerity) of the heart which (gives all diligence to the faith of our Lord Jesus) totally reliant upon Him in reverence to God;


23 And (where) whatever you do, (you would) do (from a) heart (that being born of the Spirit has been stung by His life), as (one giving glory) to the Lord, and not to that which (only exalts and) pleases men;


24 Knowing (with certainty) that from the Lord you will receive (as your inheritance) the (same) reward of the life and immortality (found in Him): because you have harkened to (being obedient to) the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ.


25 But (know also that) he that (does not harken to the faith of the Lord Jesus) takes the wrong way unto life (and has gone aside to his own way) and will (from that wrong way) receive the (only) reward it can serve him with (which way perishes in death), and there is (not some different way unto life or) partiality for (any) persons (whether they are Jew, Gentile, bond or free).


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