Philippians 2
1 If then the (same) faith that was in Christ has come to exhort (and persuade our hearts), if all comfort (is found) in (being persuaded of His) love, if (it is also what brings) fellowship with the Spirit, and if (Christ is where) all (the same) compassions and mercies (come forth in us),
2 Then the fulfillment of my joy (for you) is that you all be of the same mind (as Christ), having the same love (born in you), and being united in one mind (and one spirit).
3 (Where) nothing (you do) is from selfish ambition (and strife) or a high opinion of oneself; but (rather where) thinking little of your ability (and much of God’s) to exalt you to blessing and life, you esteem others above yourselves.
4 Where every man is not considering his own welfare but preferring (and caring for the welfare of) others.
5 Allow (yourself, therefore, to be persuaded by the faith of Christ Jesus) so that this (same) mind would be in you, which was also in Him:
6 Who, already possessing the life of God in Himself did not think it was something He needed to seize upon (and attain to by force) already being equal with God:
7 But (preferring our life over His own) made Himself of no reputation (laying aside His life) taking the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of (corruptible) men.
8 And finding Himself (the Son spoken of in the volume of the book) in the same body (and shape) as corruptible man, He dismissed any reliance upon Himself (to be exalted but trusted solely upon the Father) and (being filled with the desire to do His will) He, (for the joy that was set before Him) became obedient (in offering His body) unto death, even the death of the cross.
9 Therefore has God Himself also highly exalted Him (to His right hand, in immortal flesh and bone, far surpassing all wisdom, knowledge, and authority), and (has shown forth His lovingkindness He has toward man) in giving Him (the Son of man) a name which is above every name:
10 So that at the name of Jesus every knee (that would exalt itself above the wisdom of God) would have to bow down, of those things which are in heaven and those in earth as well as the (death and corruption) which was planted in the earth.
11 And every tongue (that has ever come to accuse man that he was not the son) would have to bow in submission, agreeing that Jesus Christ is Lord (over all flesh, having conquered death in the flesh), unto the glorification of His body immortal (declaring the good opinion and value of man that) God the Father (has had from the beginning).
12 Therefore my beloved, just as you have always hearkened diligently to be obedient to the faith (of Jesus Christ) not only when I was with you but now much more in my absence (may each one of you allow this faith to) work out salvation in your own hearts with fear and trembling (which is to fully rely on Him and His ability to serve you with an indestructible life and not your own).
13 For it is God (and the word that He has spoken in Christ) that works in your heart both to (bring about His) desire and (He alone is fully able) and takes great pleasure to perform it (in you).
14 Do all things (cheerfully) without murmuring (in secret displeasure) and inward debate.
15 So that you may appear blameless and innocent, the sons of God, unblemished (from the marring effects brought by death), in the midst of a twisted and perverse generation among whom you shine as lights in the world (filled with death and darkness);
16 Having been marked by the word of life; so that I may rejoice (glorying) in the day of Christ, (knowing) that I did not run my race without profit, neither have I labored (for the truth) in vain.
17 And (in fact) even if I am offered (and my blood is poured out) in a sacrifice and for the ministration of the faith to you, I (will have) joy and will rejoice with you all.
18 And likewise it is the same (faith) which also causes you to have) joy and rejoice with me.
19 But I trust in the Lord Jesus (and hope) to send Timothy to you shortly, so that I also will be encouraged when I hear the things concerning you.
20 Because I do not know of anyone (else) who is as likeminded (as myself) who will genuinely care for you.
21 For all seek their own (personal interest) and not the things which are in Jesus Christ.
22 But you know (and have seen) the evidence of him, (how) that like a son with the father, he has served with me in the gospel.
23 For that reason it is him that I hope to send you immediately, as soon as I see how things will go for me.
24 But I am persuaded in the Lord (hoping) that I as well might come to you shortly.
25 Yet (it seemed good and) I considered it necessary to send to you E-paph-ro-di’tus, my brother (in Christ, and companion in (the work of the) ministry, and fellow associate, but also your messenger and he that ministered to my needs.
26 For he has great affection for you all, and was deeply distressed (by your sorrow), because you had heard that he had been sick.
27 For indeed he was sick and near to death: but God had mercy on him; and not on him only, but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.
28 Therefore I have sent him more speedily, so you would be able to see him again and so that you may rejoice, and I may be less sorrowful.
29 Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness; and hold him in high regard:
30 Because (it was) for the work of Christ (that) he was near to death, not regarding his (own) life, (but he came to me in your place) to supply for my needs because of your lack of opportunity toward me (seeing I could not be with you in person).
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