Philippians 3


1 Finally my brethren (in Christ), rejoice in (and find your delight) in the Lord (who is the source of all joy). For me, it is not troublesome to write to you (again and remind you of) the same things, on the other hand for you (to hear and keep on hearing) is a safeguard (from being led astray).


2 Beware of dogs (who are of a corrupt mindset outside of the faith of Jesus Christ), beware of those whose works are born from the serpent, beware of the false circumcision (made with man's hands who glory in their flesh).


3 For we are the true circumcision, who trust in (and rely upon) the Spirit of God (to serve us with the life that is) in Christ Jesus (our Lord) in whom we rejoice and have no confidence in the flesh (to preserve our lives from the death in the world).


4 Although I could find reasons to have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinks that he has reasons that he might trust in his flesh, I have even more:


5 I was circumcised (in my flesh) on the eighth day, from the offspring of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; according to the law (I was of the separatist sect) a Pharisee.


6 I displayed my enthusiasm (and fervor), by pursuing to apprehend and overtake the church; according to the deeds of the law (did I keep myself ceremonially clean and) blameless.


7 But whatever things I formerly thought were gain to me (in the flesh and in the world), those things I (now) consider a total loss for (the purpose of obtaining to the incorruptible life revealed in) Christ Jesus our Lord.


8 Yes and in fact, I consider all things (that I could have ever gained by my flesh) nothing but loss for (the purpose of obtaining to and compared to) the (surpassing) excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: because of (the revelation of) Him (and His life and immortality) I have suffered the loss of all those things (which I previously labored to gain by my flesh) and I count them completely worthless (and only fit to be discarded as filthy waste), so that I may gain (the inheritance of eternal life in) Christ (Jesus my Lord),


9 And be found (resting) in Him, not having the (corruptible) life (that I can gather to myself in the flesh, which is by (laboring to keep) the carnal commandments contained in the law, but that incorruptible life which is through (resting in) the faith (that was authored and finished in the death, burial, and resurrection) of Christ, (being persuaded by) the life (which God has promised from the beginning and has come out of the grave immortal by the faith) revealed by God in Christ:


10 So that I may be intimately acquainted (and braided together with) Him, and (the hope of) the (glorious) power of His resurrection, and (that by sharing) in the fellowship of His suffering (where He did not lift one finger to preserve His own life but trusted in the Father), (that my heart would also rest in Him) being formed into the same image (as His and the) death (that He died);


11 So that in that same manner (as Him) I might attain to the resurrection of the dead.


12 Not that I have already attained to the thing which my heart (finds certainty in and) hopes for or have already been made perfect (in my body immortal), but I follow after (the faith of Christ), so that I may lay hold of the (life and immortality) which (God has purposed and promised from the beginning) for which my heart has also been grabbed hold of by in Christ Jesus.


13 Brethren, I do not consider myself to have (already) obtained to (the resurrection and redemption of my body): but this one thing I do, forgetting (the death that once reigned over me and) those things which are (now) behind (me), I reach forward to the sure hope (of the same life that is in Christ Jesus my Lord) that is before (me),


14 I pursue (the life which my heart has always desired, which is also) the mark (that God has fixed His eyes on for my life from the beginning) and toward the prize He has called me to, with the (most eloquent speech and the) highest calling of God in Christ Jesus.


15 Therefore, as many as (desire) to be perfect (as He is perfect), be of the same mind (seeing that you lack nothing): and if in anything you are of a different mind, (it is) God (who) will also reveal (and bring to light) even this to you.


16 But regarding that which we have already attained to (and seen in Christ), let us walk (being persuaded) by the same mind (revealed in the faith of Jesus Christ), let us be diligent to be mindful of the same.


17 Brethren be followers (of His faith) together with me and consider those who (also) walk like me (seeing) as you have us for an example.


18 Because many (in the world) walk; of whom I have often told you and even now do with (great sorrow and) tears in my eyes, that they walk as enemies (standing opposed to) the cross of Christ (and instead glorying in the life they can gather to themselves in the world):


19 Where their end is destruction, and their god is their belly (feeding their flesh with that which can never satisfy its lust for life), and who esteem that which only serves them with shame, who mind earthly things.


20 (But follow our example) because the life that we possess in us (even now in this world) is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven (inside immortal human flesh); from where we look for (the certainty, of the same life in our body in the return of) the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ:


21 Who will transform our vile (corruptible) body, so that it may be formed into the image and likeness of His glorified (incorruptible) body, through His doing and power (alone) by which (power and dominion) He is able even to subdue all things (in heaven and earth) unto Himself (as One).


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