Philippians 4


1 Therefore, my brethren, my dearly beloved and greatly missed, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord (and the certainty of all He has done), my beloved.


2 I exhort Eu-o’di-as, and exhort Syn’ty-che, that they would be of the same mind in the Lord.


3 And I earnestly request that you also, my true partners, help these women who have labored together with me in the gospel, along with Clem’ent and with my other fellow workers, whose names are written in the book of life.


4 Rejoice (and delight yourself) in (all that) the Lord (has done) always (being mindful of it): and again, I say, rejoice.


5 Let your gentleness (and patience) be known to all men. The Lord is (always) near (unto you).


6 (Therefore) do not be anxious (thinking that you must take great care for your own life and future) but in every situation (when the word that death can bring comes with its laborious and abusive thoughts to your heart and mind) it is by prayer (an exchange of your inner desires with His) by earnestly crying out to the One who (has) supplied (all your needs in Christ by whom also you see He has already conquered your death, so that with your heart being filled) with thanksgiving, you let your desire made known to God.


7 And the peace (that comes from seeing your death has been conquered can only come) from God, which (peace) surpasses all understanding (that is in the world) and will keep your hearts and minds (free from these laborious imaginations and tormenting thoughts) through Christ Jesus.


8 Finally my brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is admirable, if anything be good and virtuous, and if anything, be praiseworthy, think on these things.


9 And (as you think on) these things which you have learned, and received, and heard and seen in me, walk also in the same: and the God who serves you with (life and) peace will always be with you.


10 But I am so grateful to the Lord, that now, after some time you have sent care for me again; it is not that you were not always concerned for me, but you lacked opportunity.


11 And I am not saying that I was destitute (and lacking in what I needed for contentment): because (as I have grown in the knowledge of Him) I have learned that whatever circumstances I find myself in (that He is the sufficiency for my life and being persuaded of that) I am fully content.


12 I (have both experienced and) know what it is like to be brought low and what it is like to flourish: In every (circumstance) and in all things, I have learned the secret (of contentment is in Him), whether I am full or hungry, both when in abundance or in need.


13 For in all these things I find (that the) strength (for me to experience all the fruit of His life with contentment is only found) in Christ, the One who strengthens me.


14 But you have done a beautiful thing, having fellowship in my affliction.


15 Now you Phi-lip'pi-ans should also know that in the beginning of the gospel when I went out from Mac-e-do'ni-a, there was no other church that shared with me, giving and receiving for my needs but you alone.


16 And even (when I was) in Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca you sent once and then again (contributing) to my needs.


17 I am not seeking after the gift: but my desire (is for you to experience) the (incorruptible) fruit (God supplies) that is (already) overflowing to your account (and in your lives).


18 Now I have all that I need, and more: I have received in full (the supplies) from E-paph-ro-di’tus which you sent to me; (which offering was like) a sweet-smelling fragrance, a sacrifice (which comes from hearts overflowing with the fruit of His life) which is acceptable and well pleasing to God.


19 And my God (is the One) who will supply all of your needs (for life and Godlikeness) according to the abundant supply of His incorruptible life through Christ Jesus (our Lord).


20 Now all the glory be unto God and our Father forever and ever. Amen.


21 Greet all those fellowshipping with us in the life of Christ Jesus. The brethren which are with me greet you.


22 All the believers here greet you, especially those that are of the household of Caesar.


23 The grace (that comes) from our Lord Jesus Christ be with all your lives. Amen.


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